Classroom Expectations
Classroom Expectations:
There are only 3 expectations you need to know to be successful in Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry:
Be prompt - Be in your seat before class begins.
Be prepared - Always bring a pencil, your math book, your math folder (with notes, paper, etc.), your completed assignment, and a POSITIVE ATTITUDE to class. Please sharpen pencil before class starts. Notes can be used on quizzes.
Be polite - Treat everyone with RESPECT, including yourself, and respect other people's property.
While I do not anticipate any problems, it should be clear that the consequences for not following the classroom expectations may include but are not limited to:
Staying after school
A call home
A parent conference
A conference with you and a counselor or administrator
Meeting these simple, yet important expectations will make this year a successful experience for all of us!!
Classroom Policies:
Grading: The middle school grading policy is:
A = 93-100 B = 86-92 C = 78-85 D = 70-77 F = 0-69 |
For grading purposes, homework will account for 20%; quizzes are 30%; and tests are 50% of your final grade. |
1) Expect assignments everyday.
2) Record all assignments in your assignment book.
3) Assignments are posted daily in my room #208.
4) Notification will be given to those not consistently handing in completed homework. Parents will be notified if late work continues.
5) When you are gone from class, you are responsible for getting the assignment from a friend, the assignment board, or myself and turning it in. You have 2 days to make up an assignment for every day you are gone.
6) The top of each assignment should have a first and last name, subject, period, date and assignment page number and problems.
7) Homework papers will be placed in homework folders for you to take home each day after they are graded and recorded. You will need to correct all missed problems if you receive a grade lower than 78% on an assignment.
8) Use regular notebook paper and pencil.
9) ASK for help when you do not do well on an assignment. I am available to help during class, before and after school and during study hall.
1) Quizzes will be given each chapter. You should judge your level of understanding by your performance on your quiz.
1) A test will be given at the conclusion of each unit.
2) Tests may be retaken. Students will need to come in to review mistakes prior to retaking. The higher of the two test scores goes in the gradebook.
Hall Passes:
1) Each quarter you will receive two hall passes which can be used to leave class to take care of personal business (locker, restroom, drinking fountain). Use them wisely!! As long as you ask to use the bathroom or get a drink before the bell, you do not have to use a pass.
Tardy to Class:
1) In order for us to start class promptly and get the most out of our time together, it is necessary for every student to arrive on time.
2) If you arrive late for class, you will be expected after school that day for 15 minutes.
3) Excessive tardies will result in a referral to the office and a phone call home.
In Case of My Absence:
1) When the need for a substitute teacher arises, you will be expected to give the substitute teacher the same cooperation that you give me daily.
2) If your name is written down for inappropriate behavior, you will be expected after school on an arranged day to discuss your behavior.
1) Gum is o.k. as long as I don't see it or hear it!!
If you or your parents have any questions, please feel free to call me. My phone number at school is 223-1545. The best time to reach me would be after 3:30 pm or during my plan period 2nd hour (9:28-10:13 am).
Go to to get extra homework help and to practice for upcoming quizzes and tests! You will need to type in the username and password given to you in class.
I'm looking forward to a great 8th grade year!!