Curriculum & Assessment
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Website
Curriculum (what we teach), instruction (how we teach) and assessment (how we know students are learning) are at the heart of the Beatrice Public Schools. Explore these pages to learn more about our instructional philosophies and strategies and to connect to online services to help you as a student, parent/guardian or member of our teaching team.
Our mission is to provide leadership and support in the district's effort to ensure the best possible educational experience to each and every student in BPS. For the 2013-2014 school year, some specific district wide areas of focus include:
- Improving academic performance by implementing instructional strategies and support systems/interventions that address the needs of all learners
- Promoting the instructional focus of Professional Learning Communities at all of our school sites and among school administrators
- Providing staff development that allows teachers to increase engagement and the use of instructional technology
- Developing rigor and higher order thinking in all instructional areas
- Creating a grading policy K-12 with grades that are accurate, consistent, fair, and meaningful of learning
- Increasing phonics awareness and reading fluency and comprehension at the K-5 level
Beatrice Public Schools District offers a balanced curriculum that provides support for the academic, social, physical, and emotional development of the whole-child. All areas of curriculum are aligned with state or federal standards and are continuously reviewed by staff and administrators.